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2017-2018 Projects

Medshare First-Aid Kits

The San Ramon Valley Community Interact Club is paired up with Medshare last spring to create first-aid kits for babies, toddlers, and the wounded as well as helping others stay clean and fresh. We collected various items to add to our kits such as baby wipes, infant formula, diapers, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, hand sanitizer, bandages, and sanitary pads. Through this project, we collected $1000 in monetary donations and over 2000 medical supplies.

Winter Toy Drive

In the winter of 2017, the San Ramon Valley Community Interact held a Winter Toy Drive donating toys to children at the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford. This event was publicised through social media as well as individually collecting toys from friends and families. In order to collect funds, we held fundraisers at restaurants including T4 and Menchies. In total, we donated over 400 toys as well as 20 gift cards for teens. We hope to hold more of these drives in the future!


Interact is a club for students ages 12-18 with a passion for community service. We are sponsored by the San Ramon Valley Rotary Club to tackle issues in both our local and global community. Interact members carry out a variety of service projects, make connections with organizations around the world, develop leadership skills, and have fun while doing it.

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